What is your character's first and last name? Jaleek Reeves
What is your character's occupation? He Works at a mechanic shop.
Do you have the money to purchase this property? Yes
Is this property personal or for a faction? Faction
Please list the interior you would like. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1303374849418465290/1303381884906242129/image.png?ex=672b8c79&is=672a3af9&hm=d86f2d812dab7a7ae5af9db373aed6b9ea5238aa0e9409fa9314978a02b3abd7&
Location of Property: https://r2.fivemanage.com/pub/jizvpnj97y29.png
Image of Exterior & On Map: https://r2.fivemanage.com/pub/vt2rx1ps7mym.png